By examining the progress of a garment from production to disposal, the Waste & Resouces Action Programme's new report Valuing Our Clothes: the cost of UK fashion updates its 2012 report and identifies where further action is needed to improve on achievements already realised through the Sustainable Clothing Action Plan.

This 2017 report found that those who signed up to SCAP have outperformed the rest of industry in using over 10% less carbon and 13% less water, and producing nearly 1% less waste, since 2012. The report also estimates that households are throwing away 50,000 tonnes less textile in their residual waste, and are saving the equivalent of 700,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions by changing the way they wash, dry and iron their clothing. But the biggest opportunities for environmental savings, says the report, is in switching to using more sustainable fibres.

The report is available from WRAP's website via the link below.

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